Catechists must be bearers of Good News

A retreat for catechists themed Proclaiming Jesus as the Hope of the World was held April 22-23 at the Minor Basilica of St Anne, Bukit Mertajam. It was organised by the Penang Diocesan Catechetical Commission (PDCC).

May 12, 2023

The Putri Karmel Sisters during the session in Bahasa Malaysia.

By Dr Ivan Filmer
A retreat for catechists themed Proclaiming Jesus as the Hope of the World was held April 22-23 at the Minor Basilica of St Anne, Bukit Mertajam. It was organised by the Penang Diocesan Catechetical Commission (PDCC).

Before the retreat began, Bishop Sebastian Francis, in a motivational video, thanked all catechists for their loyal and faithful service. He hoped that they would continue to grow in the journey of synodality with the Church and avoid the temptation cited by Pope Francis of working on their own. He urged the catechists to focus on the directions of the latest Directory for Catechesis (2020 edition) which was to shift from being just teachers to also being bearers of the Good News. He asked them to take responsibility for their formation and gave a stern warning that they should leave if they were not prepared to do so. He also asked them to become like the disciples who were the first evangelists, who were touched and filled with the Holy Spirit.

Archbishop Julian Leow, the President of the Malaysian Catechetical Commission, in another video said that catechists are the bearers of hope to help connect the children with Jesus in their daily lives. Quoting Pope John Paul II in Catechesi Tradendae, his Grace said the ultimate aim of catechists is to develop an intimate relationship with Jesus. This is because only Jesus can lead us to the love of the Father in the Spirit. Our purpose must be to bring forth the teachings of Jesus. Each catechist must always endeavour to bring the teachings and the life of Christ through their own behaviour. How can we do this if we do not know Jesus personally? Only through a pure relationship with Jesus can we know Him and proclaim Him as the hope of the world. That is why this retreat would be the best opportunity to know Jesus again and renew our relationship with Him.

Two hundred and twenty-five participants from 26 parishes registered for the retreat. The English-speaking group was facilitated by Michael Xavier, the President of the Peninsular Institute for New Evangelisation, the Mandarin group by Mark Ng, Tamil by Benedict Savarimuthu and Bahasa Malaysia by Sr Irene and the Putri Karmel Sisters.

In the opening session, Deacon Clement Samuel, Head of PDCC, welcomed the participants. He asked the participants to open their hearts to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. He said the focus of the retreat would be on the eight fundamental truths of the Kerygma or Good News of our Catholic Faith:

Truth 1: God is Love (With God’s love comes mission. Go back to the Nation)

Truth 2: All Men have Sinned (God uses all of you including your limitations)

Truth 3: Jesus is the Only Saviour (3C -> 3E (Catechist -> Catechumens -> Christ: Experience -> Express -> Experience)

Truth 4: Faith & Repentance is the Door to Salvation (Faith + Repentance = Salvation)

Truth 5: New Life comes from the Holy Spirit (Old Life -> Encounter Holy Spirit -> New Life; Information vs Impartation)

Truth 6: The Church is ‘The Instrument & Sign of Salvation’ (The Church serves as a place where people find Salvation in Jesus through the Holy Spirit)

Truth 7: We Need to do our part for Spiritual Growth (Focus on Prayer, the Word, the Name, the Blood of Jesus. Begin with Being that leads to Doing)

Truth 8: Our Goal in Life is to reach Heaven (Before we experience Heaven after life, we need to first be part of creating Heaven on Earth).

Towards the end of the retreat, participants were asked to write a pledge of their intentions to carry out their mission as Evangelising Catechists and present it before the altar in church. Some also shared their experiences of the retreat; many said that the sessions were relevant and heart-warming, boosting and energising their passion to carry on their work as catechists.

The end of the retreat was marked with the commissioning of the catechists with their new identity as Evangelising Catechists by Bishop Sebastian at the closing Mass.

At the beginning of the Mass, each parish in attendance processed into the church carrying a poster displaying their parish and ministry logos and mission statements. They were all presented with a free booklet entitled More Treasures of the Catholic Faith by Jennifer Duarte from Ipoh.

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